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Pesanan Dana

Pesanan dana (A fund request/ fund requisition) is a process or request submitted by one party to another party to obtain a specific allocation of funds or funding sources. Fund requests are commonly used in financial and business contexts, where an entity requires funds for specific purposes such as purchasing goods, debt repayment, investment, or other operational activities. A fund request includes information about the requested amount of funds, the purpose of fund utilization, and other relevant details. The approval and processing of fund requests typically involve various stages and stakeholders, such as the finance department, management, or parties responsible for corporate fund management.

Report Type

KG Report - Pesanan Dana menu provides 3 types of report, they are:

  1. Monthly Type : Regular event that basically repetitive monthly.
  2. Event Type : Irregular event such as Idul Fitri, Natal, esc.
  3. Monthly and Event Type : All event.

KG Report - Pesanan Dana menu provides 4 reports to be generated, they are:

1. Cek Pesanan Dana

2. Rekap Transfer

3. Rekap Transfer (per Bank)

4. Pesanan Dana Corporate

Cek Pesanan Dana


The "Cek Pesanan Dana" report refers to a report that provides an overview of the fund requisition requests made within a specified period. It includes details such as the requester's name, department, requested amount, purpose, and status of each fund requisition. This report helps in tracking and managing fund disbursements, ensuring transparency and accountability in the process. It serves as a valuable tool for financial analysis, budget planning, and monitoring fund utilization within an organization.

View Report Cek Pesanan Dana (mrt)

View Report Cek Pesanan Dana Grid/Excel


  • Company : Merujuk pada nama perusahaan atau organisasi terkait.

  • Department_code : Kode departemen atau bagian di dalam perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan data yang sedang diuraikan.

  • Emp_total : Jumlah total karyawan atau anggota dalam departemen atau perusahaan yang dimaksud.

  • Admkespen : Merupakan singkatan dari Administrasi Kesehatan dan Pensiun, merujuk pada dana atau biaya terkait asuransi kesehatan dan program pensiun.

  • BPJSTK : Singkatan dari Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan, merujuk pada dana atau kontribusi yang terkait dengan jaminan sosial ketenagakerjaan.

  • BPJSKes : Merupakan singkatan dari Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan, merujuk pada dana atau kontribusi yang terkait dengan jaminan sosial kesehatan.

Rekap Transfer


The "Rekap Transfer" report in the fund requisition is a report that provides an overview of all fund transfers conducted within the context of fund requisitions. This report serves to track and record all fund transfers related to a specific fund requisition within a specified period of time.

View Report Rekap Transfer (mrt)

View Report Rekap Transfer Grid/Excel


  • Name : This column presents the name of the company or entity involved in the fund transfer. This information identifies the company participating in the transfer transaction.

  • Department Code : It is a code or identifier indicating the relevant department or division involved in the fund transfer. This code assists in categorizing transfers based on the departments associated with budget or fund allocation.

  • Payment Type : It refers to the bank which is used to provides information about the type of payment made in the fund transfer.

  • Total Employee : This field represents the total number of employees or members involved in the fund transfer. Typically, this information is primarily used in the context of salary payments or fund management related to employees.

  • Transfer Amount : It denotes the amount of funds transferred in that transaction. This information reflects the value or monetary amount moved in the transfer.

  • Company : It indicates the company or entity involved in the fund transfer. This field provides identification related to the company performing the transfer.

  • Admin Amount : It represents the amount or value of administrative charges associated with the fund transfer. This field includes administrative fees, service charges, or other deductions related to the fund transfer process.

Rekap Transfer (per Bank)


The "Rekap Transfer (per Bank)" report is basically has the same propose as "Rekap Transfer" report, but this report data is grouped by the bank, from the example below, those "Rekap Transfer" data are grouped by Bank which is in that case is "BCA"

View Report Rekap Transfer (Per Bank) (mrt)

View Report Rekap Transfer (Per Bank) Grid/Excel


  • Payment Type : It refers to the bank which is used to provides information about the type of payment made in the fund transfer.

  • Total Employee : This field represents the total number of employees or members involved in the fund transfer. Typically, this information is primarily used in the context of salary payments or fund management related to employees.

  • Transfer Amount : It denotes the amount of funds transferred in that transaction. This information reflects the value or monetary amount moved in the transfer.

  • Company : It indicates the company or entity involved in the fund transfer. This field provides identification related to the company performing the transfer.

  • Admin Amount : It represents the amount or value of administrative charges associated with the fund transfer. This field includes administrative fees, service charges, or other deductions related to the fund transfer process.

Pesanan Dana Corporate


The "Pesanan Dana Corporate" report is basically has the same propose as "Cek Pesanan Dana" report, but this report data is grouped by the company and sum the total value of each company, different than the "Cek Pesanan Dana" report that directly sum each amount of the fields from the selected companies.

View Report Pesanan Dana Corporate (mrt)

View Report Pesanan Dana Corporate Grid/Excel


  • Company : Merujuk pada nama perusahaan atau organisasi terkait.

  • Department_code : Kode departemen atau bagian di dalam perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan data yang sedang diuraikan.

  • Emp_total : Jumlah total karyawan atau anggota dalam departemen atau perusahaan yang dimaksud.

  • Admkespen : Merupakan singkatan dari Administrasi Kesehatan dan Pensiun, merujuk pada dana atau biaya terkait asuransi kesehatan dan program pensiun.

  • BPJSTK : Singkatan dari Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan, merujuk pada dana atau kontribusi yang terkait dengan jaminan sosial ketenagakerjaan.

  • BPJSKes : Merupakan singkatan dari Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan, merujuk pada dana atau kontribusi yang terkait dengan jaminan sosial kesehatan.