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Payslip Monthly Report

General Description

Payslip Monthly Report is a feature that basically generate reports based on payslip and generated in monthly period.

This feature is displayed in pop-up modal form. Here is the dashboard view of Payslip Monthly Report:

If the "Is all company" field checked

If the "Is all company" field unchecked

Payslip Monthly Attributes

  1. Period Date (Input) by default fetching the month and year by now.
  2. Is all company (Input) by default is checked.
  3. Company (If "Is all company" unchecked) (Input) by default is the active company of user
  4. Report Type (Input) By default is "Monthly Report GOHR"

Payslip Monthly Report Type also devided into 5 categories

1. Monthly Report GOHR

Monthly Report GOHR is only used specifically by the hotel units in Kompas Gramedia. This report provides informations about salary and tax details of each employees in the company of Kompas Gramedia.

In order to view the report, users are given two format options, namely Report(mrt) and Grid/Table view

Report (mrt) format Report (mrt)

When users use Report (mrt) view format, they can access some general reporting features. The documentation of those features can be found here

Grid/Table format Grid/Table

When users use Grid/Table view format, they have the options to download the report, they can download the CSV or XLSX format.

The Fields of The Report are :

  • Employee NIK hr_payslip.nik
  • Employee Name
  • NPWP No hr_employee.npwp_no
  • Job Position
  • Department
  • Join Date hr_employee.initial_employment_date
  • Tax Status hr_employee.marital

(Dibawah ini merupakan salary rule yang sistemnya langsung diambil dari isi payslip, querynya "HARDCODE" per salary rule ambil dari hr_payslip.code)

  • Basic Salary
  • Allowance
    • Accomodation
    • Transportation
    • Mobile
    • Tunj. Jabatan
    • Tunj. Service
    • Service HM / GM
    • Tunj. JP 2%
    • Tunj. JKK 0.54%
    • Tunj. JKM 0.3%
    • Tunj. JHT 3.7%
    • Tunj. BPJS Comp 4%
    • Tunj. DPLK
    • Tunj. Cuti
    • Medical Reimbursement
    • Distribusi SC HM / GM
    • Uang Lembur
    • Tunj. Pulsa
    • THR
    • Bonus
    • Tax Allowance
  • Gross
  • Deduction
    • Pot. JHT 2%
    • Pot. JP Emp 1%
    • Pot. BPJS Emp 1%
    • Pot. DPLK Employee
  • Tax
  • Net Salary
  • Gross Tax

2. Monthly Report KG

Monthly Report KG basically is a report that provides information details about monthly payroll of the Kompas Gramedia corporates. It consists of employees' salary and tax details.

Report (mrt)


The Fields of The Report are:

The fields of Monthly Report KG can be arranged in salary rules settings if the fields want to be shown, user can check the "appears on analytics" checkboxes. So users can customize the report and choose what fields should be included in the report.


Make sure that the company of the salary rules match the company of the report

Appears on Analytics

The salary rules that "appears on analytics" is uncheck will not be appear in the report.

Case :

  1. Cadangan (-) salary rule is uncheck
  2. Cadangan (-) salary rule is not found in the report
  3. Edit Cadangan (-) salary rule in configuration and check the "appears on analytics" checkbox
  4. Cadangan (-) salary rule is found in the report

Here are some general fields that shown in the Monthly Report KG

  • Unit Usaha
  • NPWP PT res_partner.vat
  • Cost Center
  • NIK hr_employee.employee_id
  • Nama
  • No KTP hr_employee.identification_id
  • Departemen
  • Status hr_employee.marital
  • Tanggung hr_employee_family (checking if hef.dependant_tax = True then count the (banyaknya anggota keluarga))
  • Status Pajak hr_kg_payroll_tax_ptkp.tax_state
  • Status Karyawan
  • Tanggal Lahir hr_employee.birthday
  • Tanggal Mulai Kerja hr_employee.initial_employment_date
  • Tanggal Diangkat hr_employee.permanent_date
  • No Astek hr_employee.bpjstk
  • No BPJS Kes hr_employee.bpjsks
  • Sub Area (hpc)
  • Payroll Admin
  • Jenis Pembayaran res_bank.bca_or_llg
  • Bank
  • Nama Rekening hr_employee.account_name
  • No Rekening hr_employee.account_number
  • Jenis Kelamin hr_employee.gender
  • Agama hr_religion.religion_name
  • Gaji Ditahan hr_salary_onhold
  • NPWP hr_employee.npwp_no
  • Pensiun hr_employee.pension_type
  • PT. Mitra Pendiri (hpc2)
  • %Perusahaan hr_kg_payroll_configuration.employee_dplk or hr_kg_payroll_configuration.employee_dpkg
  • %Karyawan hr_kg_payroll_configuration.employee_dplk or hr_kg_payroll_configuration.employee_dpkg
  • %PHDP hr_kg_payroll_configuration.percentage_dplk (hpc)
  • Gaji Tahun Lalu hr_salary_history.basic
  • PHDP Tahun Lalu hr_salary_history.phdp

(Dibawah ini merupakan salary rules dari hr_salary rules, dimana querynya ditentukan dengan boolean "Appears on Analytics" is True or False)

  • Bonus atas Cadangan
  • Gaji
  • PHDP
  • Tunj. Keluarga
  • Tunj. Nikah
  • Tunj. Cuti Besar
  • Tunj. Lain - lain Medical
  • Tunjangan Lain-lain Medical (-)
  • Tunj. Transport Bulanan
  • Tunj. Daerah
  • Tunj. Kesehatan Pensiun (+)
  • Tunj Kesehatan Pensiun (-)
  • Tunj. Jabatan
  • Tunj. Khusus Jabatan - Tunj. Pulsa
  • Tunj. Operasional
  • Tunj. Mutasi
  • Tunj. Tetap
  • Tunj. Tidak Tetap
  • Susulan
  • Susulan (-)
  • Uang Makan / Hadir
  • Upah Lembur
  • Insentif
  • Bantuan Uang Sekolah Anak
  • BTDL
  • BTDL Penyusutan
  • Tunj. Kalpika Cincin (+)
  • Tunjangan Kalpika Cincin (-)
  • Tunj. Kalpika
  • Total Tunjangan
  • Gratifikasi
  • Tunjangan Hari Raya
  • Bonus
  • Bonus (-)
  • Bonus PK
  • Bonus Proyek
  • Bonus Khusus
  • Cadangan (-)
  • Cadangan
  • Asuransi Premi
  • THT Karyawan
  • THT Perusahaan
  • BPJS-JP-Karyawan
  • BPJS-JP-Perusahaan
  • BPJS-Kes-Perusahaan
  • BPJS-Kes-Karyawan
  • Iuran Pensiun Perusahaan
  • Iuran Pensiun Karyawan
  • Pensiun Manfaat Pasti (R) (+)
  • Pensiun Manfaat Pasti (E)
  • Angsuran Pinjaman
  • Angsuran Pinjaman Lain-lain
  • Angsuran Pinjaman Mobil Dinas
  • Angsuran Pinjaman Motor Dinas Potongan Cuti Melahirkan
  • Potongan Covid
  • Potongan IDTP
  • Pot. TTB
  • Pot. KVision
  • Potongan Barang Kredit
  • Potongan Gramedia.Com
  • Potongan BS Hotel
  • DPR
  • Pot. Pinjaman Koperasi Media Asri
  • Pot. Pinjaman Koperasi Gemah Ripah
  • Pot. Pinjaman Koperasi CUDK
  • Pot. Pinjaman Koperasi Kontan
  • Pot. Pinjaman Koperasi Mitra Guna
  • Pot. Pinjaman Koperasi ASJ
  • Pot. Pinjaman Koperasi Komita
  • Net Salary
  • PTKP
  • PKP
  • PPH21_REG
  • PPH21_IREG
  • Gross Taxable
  • PPH21 SBL
  • PPH21 YTD
Modification Request

Displaying the code to the salary rules displayed on report header

3. Monthly Report Daftar Rincian BPJS

Monthly Report Daftar Rincian BPJS basically provides information about BPJS details lists of each Employee.

Report (mrt)


The Fields of The Report are :

  • NIK hr_employee.employee_id
  • Nama Karyawan
  • Jumlah Kar "1"
  • Jumlah BPJS Kes hr_employee.bpjsks_no is not null then "1" else "0"
  • Jumlah BPJS Naker hr_employee.bpjstk_no is not null then "1" else "0"
  • No. ASTEK hr_employee.bpjstk_no
  • No. BPJS Kes hr_employee.bpjsks_no
  • Tanggal Lahir hr_employee.birthday
  • Tanggal Masuk hr_employee.initial_employment_date
  • Tanggal Diangkat hr_employee.permanent_date
  • Gaji Pokok sum hr_payslip_line.code = "BASIC"
  • Dasar Perhitungan Kesehatan sum hr_payslip_line.code = "BASIC_BPJS"
  • Dasar Perhitungan Ketenagakerjaan sum hr_payslip_line.code in ("BASIC_BPJSTK", "BASIC_JP")
  • Dasar Perhitungan Jaminan Pensiun sum hr_payslip_line.code in ("BASIC_BPJSJP", "BASIC_JP")
  • THT Perusahaan sum hr_payslip_line.code = "ALJHT"
  • THT Karyawan sum hr_payslip_line.code = "DEJHTEMP"
  • Ass Kematian & Kecelakaan Kerja sum hr_payslip_line.code = "ALJKK" + sum hr_payslip_line.code = "ALJKM"
  • Kesehatan Perusahaan sum hr_payslip_line.code = "ALBCOMP"
  • Kesehatan Karyawan sum hr_payslip_line.code = "DEBEMP"
  • BPJS Jaminan Pensiun - Perusahaan sum hr_payslip_line.code = "ALJP"
  • BPJS Jaminan Pensiun - Karyawan sum hr_payslip_line.code = "DEJPEMP"
  • Department
  • Company
  • hr_contract.pyr_config_id TBC
  • Setoran Bulan Ini sum of THT Perusahaan, THT Karyawan, Ass Kematian & Kecelakaan Kerja, Kesehatan Perusahaan, Kesehatan Karyawan, BPJS Jaminan Pensiun-Perusahaan, BPJS Jaminan Pensiun-Karyawan

4. Monthly Report Daftar Simponi BNI

BNI Simponi is a pension program service organized by the Financial Institution Pension Fund PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (DPLK BNI) since 1994 based on Law Number 11 of 1992 concerning Pension Funds. Since 2001, DPLK BNI has succeeded in becoming a market leader in the pension fund management industry in Indonesia.

Monthly Report Daftar Simponi BNI provides informations about the employees who joined the program and the total amount of the pension fund.

Report (mrt)


The Fields of The Report are :

  • Department
  • NIK hr_employee.employee_id
  • Nama Karyawan
  • Tanggal Lahir hr_employee.birthday
  • No. Rekening PPIP hr_contract.dplk_indiv_no
  • Total Pensiun sum hr_payslip_line.code = "SIMPONI"
  • company

5. Monthly Report Daftar Pensiun Penyusun

This report devided into 2 categories, they are "Pensiun Iuran Pasti" and "Pensiun Manfaat Pasti"

Program Pensiun Iuran Pasti (PPIP) is an investment program where contributions are determined in advance and all contributions and investment returns are recorded in each participant's account.

Report (mrt)


The Fields of Pensiun Iuran Pasti Report are:

  • Department
  • NIK hr_employee.employee_id
  • Nama Karyawan
  • No Rekening hr_employee.dp{pension}_no
  • Tanggal Lahir hr_employee.birthday
  • Tanggal Masuk Kerja hr_employee.initial_employment_date
  • Tanggal Pensiun hr_employee.pension_date
  • %Perusahaan hr_kg_payroll_configuration.company_dplk or hr_kg_payroll_configuration.company_dpkg
  • %Karyawan hr_kg_payroll_configuration.employee_dplk or hr_kg_payroll_configuration.employee_dpkg
  • PHDP sum hr_payslip_run.code = "PHDP"
  • Akumulasi Iuran Tahun Lalu tl."DETL"
  • Akumulasi Subsidi Perusahaan Tahun Lalu tl."ALTL"
  • Iuran Bulan Ini sum hr_payslip_run.code = "DEDP{pension}EMP"
  • Akumulasi s/d Bulan Berjalan bb."DESDB"
  • Akumulasi Iuran Tahunan it."DESDT"
  • Subsidi Perusahaan sum hr_payslip_run.code = "ALDP{pension}"
  • Akumulasi Subsidi Perusahaan s/d Bulan Berjalan bb."ALSDB"
  • Akumulasi Subsidi Iuran Tahunan it."ALSDT"
  • Akumulasi Iuran + Subsidi sum hr_payslip_run.code = "ALDP{pension}" + sum hr_payslip_run.code = "DEDP{pension}EMP"
  • ALSDB/T Allowance Sampai Dengan Bulan/Tahunan (Perusahaan)
  • DESDB/T Deduction Sampai Dengan Bulan/Tahunan (Karyawan)
  • ALTL Allowance Tahun Lalu (Perusahaan)
  • DETL Deduction Tahun Lalu (Karyawan)
  • bb = bulan berjalan (hp.date_to <= '{date_end}')
  • it = iuran tahunan (hp.date_to between '{first_day_of_year}' and '{date_end}')
  • tl = tahun lalu hp.date_to between {last_year}

Pensiun Manfaat Pasti Program is a pension program whose benefits are stipulated in Pension Fund Regulations or other pension programs that are not Defined Contribution Pension Programs.

Report (mrt)


The Fields of Pensiun Manfaat Pasti are equal to Pensiun Iuran Pasti:

  • Department
  • NIK hr_employee.employee_id
  • Nama Karyawan
  • No Rekening hr_employee.dp{pension}_no
  • Tanggal Lahir hr_employee.birthday
  • Tanggal Masuk Kerja hr_employee.initial_employment_date
  • Tanggal Pensiun hr_employee.pension_date
  • %Perusahaan hr_kg_payroll_configuration.company_dplk or hr_kg_payroll_configuration.company_dpkg
  • %Karyawan hr_kg_payroll_configuration.employee_dplk or hr_kg_payroll_configuration.employee_dpkg
  • PHDP sum hr_payslip_run.code = "PHDP"
  • Akumulasi Iuran Tahun Lalu tl."DETL"
  • Akumulasi Subsidi Perusahaan Tahun Lalu tl."ALTL"
  • Iuran Bulan Ini sum hr_payslip_run.code = "DEDP{pension}EMP"
  • Akumulasi s/d Bulan Berjalan bb."DESDB"
  • Akumulasi Iuran Tahunan it."DESDT"
  • Subsidi Perusahaan sum hr_payslip_run.code = "ALDP{pension}"
  • Akumulasi Subsidi Perusahaan s/d Bulan Berjalan bb."ALSDB"
  • Akumulasi Subsidi Iuran Tahunan it."ALSDT"
  • Akumulasi Iuran + Subsidi sum hr_payslip_run.code = "ALDP{pension}" + sum hr_payslip_run.code = "DEDP{pension}EMP"

Monthly Report GOHR is used by Hotels Unit of Kompas Gramedia, and the rest of the report are used by Corporate of Kompas Gramedia.