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Compensation Report

Report in payroll to display list of employee which received compensation due to contract's ending.

Compensation Report View (mrt)

The fields of the report are:

  1. company_id It represents the identifier or code of the company for which the compensation report is generated. It helps to identify the specific company within a multi-company environment.

  2. nik NIK stands for "Nomor Induk Karyawan" in Indonesian, which translates to "Employee Identification Number" in English. It is a unique identifier assigned to each employee in the company.

  3. employee_name It represents the name of the employee who is receiving the compensation. It helps to identify the individual employee in the report.

  4. dept "Dept" is an abbreviation for "Department." It refers to the department or division within the company where the employee is assigned or belongs to.

  5. job_name It indicates the job or position held by the employee within the company. It specifies the role or responsibilities associated with the employee's position.

  6. birthday It denotes the date of birth of the employee. It helps to track the age of the employee and may be used for age-related calculations or reporting.

  7. date_start It represents the date when the employee started working in the company. It indicates the beginning of the employment period for the employee.

  8. date_end This field indicates the date when the employee's employment ended, if applicable. It is used when an employee has left the company or when generating reports for a specific time range.

  9. years, months, days These fields represent the duration of the employee's employment or the length of service in terms of years, months, and days. They help calculate the length of service for various purposes such as benefits, seniority, or leave entitlements.

  10. basic_salary It refers to the base salary or fixed compensation amount provided to the employee. It is the regular pay before any additional allowances or deductions.

  11. transport This field represents the transport allowance or reimbursement provided to the employee for transportation-related expenses.

  12. compensation It denotes the total compensation amount or the sum of various components such as basic salary, allowances, bonuses, and any other monetary benefits received by the employee.

  13. account_number It refers to the employee's bank account number, which is used for salary payment or direct deposit of compensation.

These fields collectively provide important information about employee compensation, allowing for analysis, tracking, and reporting related to salaries, benefits, and other forms of compensation within the company.

Compensation Report View (Grid/Table)

The picture above shows the view of the Grid/Table report after exported into xls format.