Medical Category
1. General Practitioner, Specialist, Clinic, Emergency, and Tocologist
This category has some Medical Type, namely:
- OP : Dokter
- OP : Dokter Spesialis
- OP : Obat
- OP : Bidan
- OP : Klinik
- OP : UGD
- OP : Tindakan
- Adm
- OT : Ongkos Transfer
- Lifepack
Lifepack is a mobile application that helps user to get consultation or medical requirements online. Employees of Kompas Gramedia have medical benefits that could be used in Lifepack by cutting their medical pagu.
Lifepack transaction data will be sent to Odoo by API.
2. Ophthalmologist, Dentist, and Glasses
This category has some Medical Type, namely:
- OP : Dokter Spesialis
- OP : Obat
- OP : Tindakan
- Adm
- OP : Pem awal
- DT : Spesialis Gigi
- DT : Alat Bantu
- DT : Gigi Palsu
- DT : Rahang
- NM : Frame
- NM : Lensa Kaca Mata
- OT : Ongkos Transfer
Frame & Lensa Kaca Mata
These two medical products are not cutting pagu in the reimburse process. However, these two products have a reimburse period, where if there has been a request within a period of time, employees cannot make requests within the same period of time. If the user tries to make a request in the same period of time, then the system will displays warning like the picture below.
Ongkos Transfer
Ongkos Transfer is a medical product or Bplan that is auto generated when the HR admin approves the medical request, this bplan will be used for transfer fee and does not related to pagu or cutting pagu, Ongkos Transfer is fully funded by the company. The amount of Ongkos Transfer is Rp. 3000,00-
3. Diagnostic and Medical Tools
This category has some Medical Type, namely:
- OP : Dokter
- OP : Dokter Spesialis
- OP : Laboratorium
- OP : Obat
- OP : Alat Bantu
- OP : Klinik
- OP : Radiologi
- OP : Tindakan
- OP : Fisioterapi
- Adm
- OT : Ongkos Transfer
4. Immunization
This category has some Medical Type, namely:
- OP : Dokter
- OP : Dokter Spesialis
- OP : Obat
- OP : Imunisasi
- OP : Bidan
- OP : Tindakan
- Adm
- OT : Ongkos Transfer