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Bank Transfer Request Group

Bank Transfer Request Group feature is used to merge the bank transfer by the HR admin depends on the company assigned to the admin. To ease the bank transfer process, users do not need to generate the bank transfer of the companies one by one, meanwhile they can generate the bank transfer all at once in a group which grouped by the period of time.

The picture above shows the features of bank transfer request group.

Generate Bank Transfer

Generate bank transfer button is functioned to create the group of cash proofs by the available company.


Confirm button is functioned to calculate all the cost of replacement that needed to be transfered by the company. It will calculated the total amount of each medical requests.

After the Bank Transfer Request Group confirmed, the amount of bank transfer will be displayed. Users can confirm all the company's cash proofs at once.


Close button is functioned to set the bank transfer request group status to close and generate the output files.

The output of the bank transfer request are 3 txt files:

  • BCABankKeyMedical___.txt (for employee that have BCA bank account)
  • NonBCABankKeyMedical___.txt (for employee that doesn't have BCA bank account)
  • WAMedical___.txt (WA file, used for auto push Whatsapp notification)

Re-generate Files

Basically, the re-generate files button is used for repeating the generate process of the output files. It can be used for updating the files in case there is any update of the bank transfer request.

Re-generate Bank Transfer

Basically, the re-generate bank transfer button is used for repeating the generate process of the bank transfer. It can be used for updating the bank transfers in case there is any update of the related cash proofs or medical requests.

The flow process of bank transfer request group