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Modification Request


  1. Remove length validation on field "Bank Identifier Code" in Master Bank. In Indonesia, bank identifier code start from 6 to 7 digits only.

Original from Odoo length validation

  1. Add new field of "Bank Receiver Code" in Master Bank. Originally, the receiver code should be placed in bank identifier code. But currently the field already used in other functions.

Add new field of Bank Receiver Code

Bank Account

  1. Add "Is Resident" identifier in Master Bank Account. The information is needed on create Auto-Credit file for payment.

Is Resident field identifier

  1. Add "Banking Code" field in Bank Account. The field will save the banking code related to payment order - autocredit file BCA. Later, found out that the banking code will different with each bank account, not depends on company as the owner of the bank account.

Add Banking Code field